
职前小学数学教师教学知识状况调查——以分数除法为例 被引量:16

Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge in Mathematics and Pedagogy for Teaching:with a Focus on Fraction Division
摘要 大部分师范生认为自己对从事小学数学教学有一定的准备,但具体到分数教学,师范生的自我评价较低.师范生对学科知识中的“算法”知识掌握得较好,能够正确地向小学生解释如何计算分数除法,但对“算理”掌握较差,在数学教学法知识方面,师范生准备还不够充分.解决问题时,所使用的教学表征以言辞表征和符号表征居多,直观表征很少,只有少部分师范生根据小学生的认知特点采取恰当的表达方式.大专生和本科生在大部分调查项目上的表现比较一致. With a focus on fraction division, we investigated the status of prospective elementary mathematics teachers' knowledge preparation. A total of 314 soon-to-graduate prospective elementary teachers from nine normal universities/colleges participated in this study. It is found that a very limited number of sampled prospective elementary mathematics teachers perceived themselves to have sufficient preparations for teaching fraction division. Consistently, the majority of sampled prospective teachers mastered the computation of fraction division well but had limited conceptual understanding of the fraction division algorithm. Moreover, the results showed that prospective elementary teachers had insufficient pedagogical content knowledge in providing adequate explanation about the fraction division algorithm to elementary students.
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2010年第4期44-48,共5页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 黑龙江省高等教育学会“十一五”教育科学研究规划课题——高师本科小学教育专业建设的宏观策略研究(115B-165)
关键词 小学数学 师范生 教学知识 职前教育 elementary mathematics prospective teacher knowledge for teaching prospective teacher education
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