
当代法国哲学中的黑格尔幽灵 被引量:1

Fantom of Hegel in Contemporary French Philosophy
摘要 当代法国哲学的主题经历了从"精神"向"存在"、从"存在"向"结构"的转变。与这一转变相伴随的是现象学、存在主义、马克思主义以及结构主义和后结构主义在法国的广泛传播与深入发展。这些思潮的背后蕴涵着共同的理论渊源:法国黑格尔主义。法国黑格尔主义以让-瓦勒、科耶夫与伊波立特为主要代表,以解读青年黑格尔的文本为研究路径,以生命、时间和欲望为基本概念,将黑格尔的逻辑与体系看作为基本概念的展开和演变过程。这一特定解读方式一方面引发了法国的现象学运动和马克思主义,另一方面开启了法国的结构主义和后结构主义,成为由人本主义向结构主义转变的隐形推动力。对于法国黑格尔主义及其影响的研究不仅有助于理解当代法国哲学的源起,而且对于把握其理论特征具有重要的意义。 It has happened two turn rounds in French modern philosophy in 20 century, one is to turn from "sprite" to "existence", the other is to turn from "existence" to "structure". Accompanied these turns rounds, humanism is underlined and then is abandoned. What is very important for all of these characteristics of French modern philosophy is the expanding of Hegelianism French which focused on young Hegel and his concept such as life, time and desire. It is also this thought who is the resource of structuralism and post-structuralism. From this point of view, it is the driving force of French modern philosophy.
作者 夏莹
机构地区 南开大学哲学系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期58-64,共7页 Academic Monthly
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"黑格尔与当代法国马克思主义"(NKZXA10025)的阶段性成果
关键词 法国黑格尔主义 精神 存在 结构 French Hegelianism, spirit, existence, structure
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  • 1Simone de Beauvoir, Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, trans, J, Kirkup(New York, 1959), 243, and Jean-Paul Sartre, Situations, trans, Benita Eisler(Greenwich, Conn,1965), 158.
  • 2Michael S, Roth: Knowing and History: Appropriation of Hegel in Twentieth-Century France p. 3.
  • 3Jean Walh: le Malheur de la conscience clans la philosophie de Hegel, PUF, 1951, p. 11, p. 10.
  • 4Eli~beth Roudinesco, JacquesLacan, trans. Barbara Bray (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997), p. 99.
  • 5[法]吕迪格尔·萨弗兰斯基.《海德格尔传》,第459,459页,靳希平译,北京,商务印书馆,1999.
  • 6Jean Walh: Esquisse pour une histoire de L ' e:ristentialisme, L' Arche, 1949, p. 91.
  • 7[法]科耶夫.《黑格尔导读》,第194页,姜志辉译,南京,译林出版社,2005.
  • 8A. Koyre, 《Hegel a Ibna》, in id. , Etudes d'histoire de la pensre philosophique, 2e ed., Paris, Gallimard, 1971, p. 177.
  • 9Alexandre Kojeve: Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, Cornell University Press, 1980, pp. 184 185.
  • 10Jean Hyppolite: Etudes sur Marx et Hegel. Paris, M. Riviere, 1955, pp. 14 19, p. 14, 第二部分.









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