
金融市场风险与就业结构变动 被引量:1

The Risk of Financial Market and the Change of Employment Structure
摘要 现代经济学关于金融市场运行及其风险的分析和研究,在相当大的程度和范围内涉及了就业问题。金融市场风险的程度和范围取决于金融是否稳定,这种现实要求我们在对金融市场风险之于金融不稳定作出理论解说的同时,对金融市场风险等级作出划分,以给政策制定提供参考。金融市场风险等级的高低不同对就业结构变动的影响是不同的,这是一个宏观层面上的政府必须关注的问题,需要从金融市场风险的不同等级对就业结构变动的一般趋向性影响展开研究。中国现阶段的金融市场风险和就业结构变动,一方面受国际金融不稳定的影响,另一方面制约于经济体制转轨的各种制度安排。围绕这两种背景来探讨金融市场风险与就业结构变动,或许能对政府宏观经济政策的制定有启示作用。 The research of modern economics on the risk of financial market involves employment problems. The degree and range of the risk on financial market depends on the financial stability, which in fact should be given the theoretical interpretation and financial risk hierarchy division. It is a macroscopic issue that different risk hierarchy has the different effect on the change of employment structure, which needs to be concerned by the government. This paper discusses the effect of the in- ternational financial instability on the risk of financial market and the change of employment struc- ture, studies the different institutional arrangements under the background of economic system trans- formation in present China.
作者 何大安
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期65-72,共8页 Academic Monthly
基金 浙江省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地金融学的资助项目
关键词 金融市场风险 就业结构 金融不稳定 风险层级 制度安排 the risk of financial market, employment structure, financial instability, risk hierarchy, institutional arrangement
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