
基于SAX解析的《中图法》分类体系可视化系统的实现 被引量:2

The Implementation of Visualization System of Chinese Library Classification Based on SAX Parsing Technique
摘要 为使用户更好地理解和使用《中图法》分类体系,使用JAVA技术,在信息可视化参考模型的指导下,实现了《中图法》分类体系可视化系统,采用占用内存小、速度快的SAX解析技术,实现了放大、缩小、拖拽、检索、颜色定位等多种动态交互功能,为用户使用《中图法》提供了一个新的可视化角度,激发了用户对《中图法》的兴趣。最后指出该系统的不足以及下一步改进的工作。 In order to understand and use the Chinese Library Classification easily for users, the authors implement the visualization system of Chinese Library Classification with JAVA. This system bases on the Information Visualization Reference Model and uses SAX that parses XML documents rapidly with lower memory cost. The system also develops many dynamic and interactive functions, such as zooming, dragging, search and color locating. This paper provides a new view of visualization to use Chinese Library Classification and inspire users' interests on Chinese Library Classification. Finally the authors points out some shortcomings and future research directions.
作者 李国俊 肖明
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期31-35,共5页 Journal of Academic Libraries
关键词 SAX技术 中国图书馆分类法 聚焦+关联 信息可视化 SAX Technique Chinese Library Classification Focus+Context Information Visualization
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