
含斜裂纹剪切型橡胶减振垫的断裂分析 被引量:2

Fracture analysis of shearing rubber absorber with different crack
摘要 通过非线性有限元方法分别对含角斜裂纹和含边缘斜裂纹的剪切型橡胶减振垫分别进行了数值计算,橡胶材料采用Mooney本构模型。对受剪切载荷作用的减振垫,分别给出了减振垫的切向刚度和撕裂能随裂纹倾角、裂纹深度、载荷大小的变化规律。研究表明,随着裂纹长度的增加,撕裂逐渐增加,两者基本显非线性关系。 In this study, the nonlinear finite element method is first used to numerically simulate a model of shear pattern of rubber vibration absorber with different length of initial inclined corner crack and initial inclined edge crack. The rubber material is of the Mooney model. The shear stiffness and tearing energy rubber absorber are given with the variety of crack inclined angle, crack depth and load.
机构地区 福州大学
出处 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期466-470,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
关键词 橡胶减振垫 非线性有限元 撕裂能 刚度 rubber vibration absorber, nonlinear finite element method, tearing energy, stiffness.
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