
比较法视野中的欧洲保险合同法如实告知义务评析 被引量:6

The truthful disclosure obligation of European insurance contract law based on comparative law
摘要 为构建统一欧洲保险市场,保险合同法重述小组于2009年8月公布了《欧洲保险合同法基本原则》,该原则将成为未来欧洲统一保险合同法的蓝本。该原则在如实告知义务的履行方式上由传统的主动告知转变为被动告知,并根据主体违反如实告知义务时的主观状态与违反如实告知义务的时间规定了有区别的法律责任。其既体现了现代保险法如实告知义务制度的发展趋势,又考虑到了欧盟各成员国的承受能力。 For the sake of creating a unified European insurance market, the task force for restatement of European insurance contract law announced the principles of European insurance contract law in August 2009 which will become the blueprint of unified European insurance contract law in future. Among these principles, the execution of the truthful disclosure obligation is changed from the traditional proactive disclosure to passive disclosure, and set different legal liability according to the subjective state of mind of the principal and the time of violation of this obligation at the breach of the disclosure obligation. The new principles are not only a manifestation of the development trend of the disclosure obligation in modem insurance law, but take full consideration of the bearing capacity of all EU member states.
作者 马宁
机构地区 西北政法大学
出处 《保险研究》 北大核心 2010年第9期104-111,共8页 Insurance Studies
关键词 欧洲保险合同法基本原则 如实告知义务 履行方式与标准 法律责任 比较法 principles of European insurance contract law trutMul disclosure obligation execution method and criteria legal liability comparative law
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  • 1Jurgen Basedow, Fock, Europ isches Versicherungsvertragsrecht, Mohr Siebeck (2002).
  • 2Helmut Heiss, Towards a European Insurance Contract Law: Restatement-Common Frame of Reference-Optional Instrument www. aidahungary, hu/.../AIDA2006 11 24 Helmut_ Heiss_ eloadas, pdf,2010 -5 - 15.
  • 3Clifford Chance, The Reform of German Insurance Contract Law, www. cliffordchance, com,2010 - 5 - 20.
  • 4The English and Scottish Law Commissions, Insurance Contract Law Issues Paper 1 :Misrepresentation and NonDisclosure. http ://www. lawcom, gov. uk/publications, htm. 2010 - 5 - 20.
  • 5Jurgen Basedow, Insurance Contract Law as Part of an Optional European Contract Act, http ://ec. europa. eu/consumers/cons_int/safe_shop/fair_bus_pract/cont_law/stakeholders/5 - 8. pdf,2010 - 5 - 13.
  • 6Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council: A More Coherent European Contract Law-An Action Plan,COM (2003) 68 final of 12 February 2003.
  • 7European Contract Law and the Revision of the Acquis: The Way Forward,COM(2004) 651. final.
  • 8CESE 1626/2004.
  • 9Appendix I (Possible structure of the CFR) to the 2004 Communication.
  • 10Basedow, Fock, Europ isches Versicherungsvertragsrecht, Band I, Mohr Siebeck (2002).











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