
软件测试性需求分析方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Software Testability Requirement Analysis Method
摘要 从诸多软件测试性影响因素中提取出软件测试性参数,并以此构建软件测试性参数体系。该参数体系通过能反映软件内在表征的目标层建立起软件测试性参数与软件测试性的联系。为能以工程化的方法开展软件测试性设计,提出了软件测试性需求与软件需求因子的概念,进而提出了完整的软件测试性需求分析方法。该方法以软件特性和软件测试类型为筛选标准,定位目标层,借助软件测试性参数体系获取软件测试性需求因子,进而得到软件测试性需求。 Software testability parameter architecture was constructed with parameters extracted from software testability influence factors. It established relationships between these parameters and software testability through a named target layer which may reflect soft-ware inner attributes. In order to carry out the design of software testability in engineering ways, principles of software testability requirement and software testability requirement factor were proposed, as well as analysis method for software testability requirement. This method first considered software characteristics and software test types as selection criteria to specify the target layer, and then tried to acquire software testability requirement factors with the help of software testability parameter architecture built before. Next, software testability requirement could be obtained by following the steps of software requirement engineering.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第27期97-98,107,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 软件测试性 软件测试性参数 软件测试性需求 software testability software testability parameter software testability requirement
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