论文提出了一种基于遗传算法的Web Services组合优化方案。遗传算法采用集合节点和二进制编码相结合的方法对Web Services组合空间进行映射,缩小了算法的搜索空间,缩短了算法搜索最优解的时间。该优化方案适用在Web Services数量多或用户需求复杂的情况。试验结果证明了优化方案的有效性和可行性。
This paper proposes an optimization plan of web services composition based on genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm maps the web services composition space to reduce the algorithm search space and algorithm search time by using combination of collection node and binary code. The optimization plan can be found in the presence of many web services or complex features .At last the correctness of this algorithm is proved by experiment.
Control & Automation