
刻板印象内容模型的修正与发展 源于大学生群体样本的调查结果 被引量:20

Revision and Development of the Stereotype Content Model:Research Findings Based on College-Student Samples
摘要 刻板印象是对社会群体及其成员固定或模式化的看法。对刻板印象形成维度的研究,被系统地总结为刻板印象内容模型(Stereotype Content Model,SCM)。本文对SCM的相关理论进行了简要梳理。作者按照SCM的典范程序,进行了有效样本为115人的试验性调查和160人的正式调查,以问卷的方式要求被调查者对21个社会群体进行分类和评价,建立起了大学生关于21个社会群体的刻板印象类型,并在此基础上进行了理论层面的探讨。本文的研究试图突破以往的SCM研究仅限于发现事实的局限,尝试对形成特定群体刻板印象背后的社会心理机制进行解释。 Stereotypes are fixed or generalized beliefs about social groups and their members. The dimensions in stereotype formation studied so far have been systematically summarized into the Stereotype Content Model or SCM. The theory of SCM is briefly introduced in the paper. Following the standard procedure of SCM, the author used a questionnaire to ask 115 college students in her pilot study and 160 college students in her formal study to classify 21 social groups and provide comments on them. The stereotype categories of the 21 social groups perceived by college students were established. A theoretical discussion was then provided. Going beyond the fact-finding limitations of the traditional SCM, this paper has tried to explain the psychological mechanisms underlying the stereotypes of specific social groups.
作者 高明华
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期193-216,共24页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
基金 北京大学社会学系方文教授主持的2008年度国家社会科学基金项目"中国社会转型:转型心理学的路径"(08BSH063)的部分中期成果~~
关键词 刻板印象 社会认同理论 刻板印象内容模型 公平世界信念 stereotypes, social identity theory, stereotype content model (SCM), just world belief
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