
腹股沟区多层螺旋CT解剖及其临床意义 被引量:7

MSCT Anatomy and Clinical Application of the Groin Region
摘要 目的探讨腹股沟区多层螺旋CT解剖及其临床意义。资料与方法回顾性分析30名正常人腹股沟区多层螺旋CT解剖和52例腹股沟区病变的CT表现,重点分析腹股沟区各关键解剖结构与腹股沟区病变的关系。结果 CT能较好地显示腹股沟管、腹股沟韧带、腹壁下动脉、精索或子宫圆韧带,显示率达100%,尤其是冠状位重组能直观地显示腹股沟管的整体结构。CT斜冠状位重组更有利于认识股三角区。分析疝囊与腹股沟管、腹壁下动脉、耻骨结节及股静脉的关系有利于对腹股沟区疝的诊断。隐睾及精索病变位于腹股沟管内,腹膜后淋巴瘤、脓肿或结核、血肿以及髋关节病变多累及股三角区,转移淋巴结多位于腹股沟管和股血管周围。结论多层螺旋CT能较好地显示腹股沟区的各种关键解剖结构,识别这些关键解剖有利于对腹股沟区病变的诊断和鉴别诊断。 Objective To evaluation the MSCT anatomy and its clinical application of groin region.Materials and Methods Thirty normal people and 52 patients with groinal diseases underwent MSCT examinations.The important anatomic structures relation to the groinal lesion were analyzed.Results The inguinal canal,inguinal ligament,the inferior epigastric artery,the spermatic cord or round ligament were well visible in all normal people(30/30).The inguinal canal could be accurately displayed on coronal views.Oblique coronal views was the optimal projection to display the structure of femoral triangle.The anatomy of hernia sac adjacent with the inguinal canal,the inferior epigastric artery,the pubic tubercle and femoral vein were useful for differential diagnosis of hernia.Cryptorchidism and spermatic cord disease located in the inguinal canal.Retroperitoneal lymphoma,abscesses or tuberculosis,hematoma and hip joint diseases mostly involved the femoral triangle.Inguinal lymph node metastases were often seen around the inguinal canal and femoral vein.Conclusion The anatomic structures of groin region can be clearly identified on MDCT,which are useful for CT diagnosis of groinal disease.
出处 《临床放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1211-1215,共5页 Journal of Clinical Radiology
关键词 腹股沟疝 体层摄影术 X线计算机 解剖 Inguinal hernia Tomography X-ray computed Anatomy
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