目的分析佛山市顺德区2008~2009年登革热流行病学特征,评价综合预防控制措施的效果,为今后有效预防控制登革热疫情提供依据和实践经验。方法应用流行病学方法调查分析登革热疫情的流行病学特点,用酶联免疫吸附试验检测疑似病例和病例密切接触者的登革热IgM/IgG抗体,用布雷图指数和病例数评价所采取预防控制措施的效果。结果 2008年佛山市顺德区发生Ⅰ型登革热流行,8月3日~11月1日共发现34例,隐性感染者7例,疫情高峰出现在10月,病例主要集中于乐从、大良、龙江镇(街),发病人群以青壮年为主。通过隔离病人、治理环境、杀灭成蚊和幼虫、清除积水等综合预防控制措施,疫情在较短时间内得到有效控制。2009年初采取以创建卫生示范小区为主题的活动更是取得明显成效,发生疫情的镇(街)布雷图指数分别由2008年发生疫情时的37.04、33.44、72.59分别降至0.96、2.12、1.47,差异有统计学意义(χ2=169.11,P<0.01),2009年全区未出现登革热疫情。结论采取综合预防控制措施可取得显著效果;主动采取预防控制措施能降低处理成本,取得较好的经济效益和社会效益。
Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of dengue fever in Shunde district and provide scientific basis and practical experiences for prevention and control measures of dengue fever in 2008 ~ 2009. Methods Descriptive epidemiology investigation was conducted. ELISA test method was used for detecting IgM/IgG anti-dengue virus antibodies, Breteau Index and number of cases were used for evaluating the effect of control measures. Results The epidemic was caused by type I dengue virus. The 34 cases and the 7 persons with latent infection were mainly occurred from August to November and the peak occurred in October. Most of the cases were young and middle-aged and mainly in Lecong, Daliang and Longjiang town. The epidemic situation was controlled effectively within a short time by isolate the patients, manage environment, kill mosquitoes and clean up the water etc; In early 2009 , "Health Demonstration Area " was established. An obvious effect has been achieved and no cases occurred in 2009. The Breteau Index decreased from 37.04,33.44 and 72.59 to 0.96 、 2.12 and 1.47, there was statistically significant difference ( P 〈0.01 ) . Conclusion Comprehensive prevention and control measures achieved significant results. Adopting active measures can reduce the cost of investigation and achieve great social and economic benefits.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Dengue fever
Epidemic characteristics
Comprehensive prevention and control measures
Effects evaluation