The series of tax reforms,notably the Single Whip Method,implemented in China from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries had transformed the relationship between the central and local authorities as well as that between the government and the people.Silver was specified as the major payment of tax,and subsequently played a prominent role in state finance and administration.In the eighteenth century China,the maintenance of the ruling machinery and bureaucratic system relied heavily on silver which laid the fiscal foundation of the Qing government.The Chinese demand of silver caused by domestic taxation reform and fiscal policies was met chronologically by the continuous supply of the metal from the New World.Understandably,silver was rapidly absorbed into the Chinese government fiscal system.But what is more noteworthy is that a considerable amount of silver stocks was accumulated not only in the government treasury,but also in the hands of Chinese emperors and the rich and powerful.As a result,the huge drain of American silver to China did not lead to inflation as expected.Likewise,silver earned by producers was mainly for paying taxes and had nothing to do with capital accumulation.Therefore,it is important to note that the role played by silver in eighteenth century China has to be evaluated against the background of the political economy of taxation and the regional differences that existed within China,and should not be interpreted according to simple rules of supply and demand.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)