
膳食纤维添加于肉制品中的应用 被引量:5

The Applications of Dietary Fiber in Meat Products Processing
摘要 肉制品是人们日常膳食的重要组成部分。随着时代日新月异以及人们饮食观念的改变,添加天然成分以改良肉制品成为当代趋势。膳食纤维作为一类功能性营养素已被越来越多的应用于肉品加工中,以优化组成成分、强化营养、提高产品出产率及延长货架期。本文综述了膳食纤维添加于肉制品中的应用,并以此展望了此类研究的发展趋势。 Meat is an important part of daily diet. Along with the time and the concept of people changing with dietary changes, natural ingredients with improved contemporary of meat became trend nowadays. Dietary fiber as a kind of functional nutrients has been more and more applied to optimization of meat processing, composition, strengthen nutrition, improve the product yield rate and extend shelf life. This paper reviews the dietary fiber when adding in meat and the application prospect of such research development trend.
作者 李慧勤
出处 《肉类研究》 2010年第9期22-27,共6页 Meat Research
关键词 肉制品 膳食纤维 功能性添加剂 应用 meat product dietary fiber functional additives applications
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