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5Stiglitz ,J. 1974, Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources:Efficient and Optimal Growth Paths, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 41, Symposium on the Economics of Exhaustible Resources: 123-137.
6B.R. Copeland and M. S. Taylor,2004, Trade, Growth and the environment, Journal of Economic Literature 42,7- 71.
7Antweiler, A., B. Copeland and M. S. Taylor,2001, Is Free Trade Good for the Environment, American Economic Review 94,1 September: 877-908.
8Solow, R.M. 1974, Intergeneration Equity and Exhaustible Resources, Review of Economic Studies ( Symposium) : 29-46.
9Hartwick, J.M. 1977, Intergeneration Equity and the Investing of Rents from Exhaustible Resources, American Economic Review, 66, December.
10Stiglitz, J. 1974, Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources: Efficient and Optimal Growth Paths, Review of Economic Studies, Vol.41, Symposium on the Economics of Exhaustible Resources: 123-137.