
计及碳排放约束的电力综合资源规划模型与模拟分析 被引量:5

Model of Integrated Resource Planning Considering Carbon Emission Constraints in Power Industry and Simulation Analysis
摘要 从综合资源规划的角度,建立了碳税政策下计及碳排放约束的电力综合资源规划模型,对给定排放约束目标值下的不同碳税税率情景进行了模拟分析。结果表明,碳税政策下的电力综合资源规划模型在满足系统可靠性的同时,可以有效降低系统总装机容量及发电量,从而显著减少CO2的排放量:在低税率情况下,减排效果并不明显,随着税率的升高,减排效果逐渐明显。 From the view of IRP(integrated resource planning),the IRP model CO2 considering carbon emission con-straints under carbon tax was established,and under the given constraint target value,carbon tax rates in different sit-uations were simulated and analyzed.The results showed that the IRP model under the carbon tax policy could keep power system reliability,and could reduce the overall capacity and power generation,therefore significantly reduce CO2 emissions: In the case of low tax rates,its reduction effect was not obvious,and with the rate increasing,the re-duction effect was gradually obvious.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2010年第8期1103-1107,共5页 East China Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70671041)~~
关键词 碳税政策 碳排放约束 电力综合资源规划模型 carbon tax carbon emission constraint power integrated resource planning model
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