
超细γ-Al_2O_3/铜纤维对树脂基摩擦材料摩擦性能的影响 被引量:6

Influence of Ultrafine γ-Al_2O_3/Copper Fiber Content on Tribological Properties of Resin-based Friction Materials
摘要 采用热压成型法制备了超细γ-Al2O3/铜纤维增强树脂基摩擦材料,运用模糊分析法考察γ-Al2O3含量对半金属摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。实验结果表明,γ-Al2O3/铜纤维增强树脂基摩擦材料具备适中的摩擦系数、良好的热稳定性能;随γ-Al2O3含量的增加,材料的摩擦稳定系数增大。SEM分析表明,当γ-Al2O3含量为3%时,复合材料的综合磨损率最小,磨损形式以粘着磨损为主;随γ-Al2O3含量的增加,综合磨损率逐渐增大,磨损形式为粘着磨损和磨粒磨损的复合磨损形式。 Friction materials require a stable and moderate friction coefficient, minimum comprehensive wear rate and comfortability under different friction conditions. The resin-based friction materials strengthened by ultrafine yγ-Al2O3 /copper fiber are prepared by heat-press molding method. Influence of γ-Al2O3 content on tribological properties of semi-metal friction materials is studied by fuzzy overall merits methods. The results show that friction materials strengthened by ultrafine γ-Al2O3/copper fiber possess suitable friction coefficient and good thermal stability. With the increase of γ-Al2O3 contents, friction stability coefficient increase. SEM analysis show that comprehensive wear rate of friction materials is minimum and the wear mechanism is adhesive wear with 3 γ-Al2O3. With the increase of γ-Al2O3 contents, the wear mechanism for materials is mixture of adhesive and abrasive wear.
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第18期57-60,共4页 Materials Reports
基金 江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究项目(08KJA430005) 江苏省产学研联合创新资金计划项目(BY2009137)
关键词 Γ-AL2O3 铜纤维 模糊分析法 摩擦磨损性能 γ-Al2O3, copper fiber, fuzzy overall merits methods, friction and wear behavior
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