

摘要 目的通过肿瘤电化学治疗的临床广泛应用,统计历年来经电化学治疗的晚期肿瘤伴癌痛61例的疗效分析,探讨治疗癌痛的一种有效新技术和新方法。方法本组病例中有头颈部、胸部、消化系、妇科、骨及软组织恶性肿瘤,肿瘤分期均为4期。疼痛级别VAS分级:1级4例,2级20例,3级37例。常规麻醉下,疼痛的瘤体内设置正负电极,1~2cm相间,治疗电量每1立方厘米100库仑。全部病例治疗过程平稳,无并发症发生。结果全组病例疼痛缓解,有效率100%。疼痛效果评估:完全缓解(CR)56例,部分缓解(PR)5例;疗效维持最短7天,最长者超过1年。治疗后均停止用吗啡、杜冷丁等镇痛药物。结论对于适应电化学治疗的癌痛患者,进行电化学治疗,方法简便、不出血、痛苦小,不仅能缓解癌痛,还能有效治疗原发肿瘤以及复发癌和转移癌。电化学治疗的基本作用是:能够解除恶性肿瘤异常增长所产生的压迫和侵犯,从而达到消融镇痛的目的,同时还能有效地控制麻醉药品的依赖。电化学治疗癌痛是一种有效的新方法,值得推广与应用。 Objective Extensively and clinically applying electrochemical therapy(EChT) in tumor treatment,and statistically analyzing its clinical effect in 61 cases of advanced tumor with cancerous pain,we aimed to investigate the values of EChT as a new technology and method in the treatment for cancerous pain.Methods Cases in this study included malignant tumors of head-neck,chest,digestive system,gynecology,bone and soft tissues.All of tumors were classif ied as 4th stage.Pain levels were determined according to VAS Classif ication,and 1,20 and 37 cases were classif ied into the 1st,2nd,and 3rd grade respectively.After anesthesia,anode and cathode were inserted into tumors with 1-2cm interval.and electrical quantity were set up 100 coulombs per cm3.The therapeutic courses of all patients were safety and no complication.Results All patients’ cancerous pain was alleviated,and the effective rate was 100%.Therapeutic effect of pain:Complete response(CR) was 56 cases,partial response(PR) was 5 cases;curative effect maintained 7 days at least,and the longest was over 1 year.After treatment,all patients stopped to use morphine,dolantin and other anodynes.Conclusion The patients who suffer from cancerous pain and suit for EChT can be treated with EChT.EChT is easy to operate,no bleeding,and little pain,and it is not only to alleviate cancer pain,but also to cureprimary tumor,metastatic and relapse tumor effectively.The basic effect of EChT is to remove oppression and invasion produced by abnormal growth of tumor,and thus,to reach the goal of melting tumor and relieving pain,EChT can also effectively control the addiction of anesthetic drugs.EChT is a new and effective method for cancerous pain,and deserve to be generalized and applied.
机构地区 西安高新医院
出处 《当代医学》 2010年第26期56-57,共2页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 恶性肿瘤 癌痛/电化学治疗 临床效果 Malignant tumor Electrochemical therapy Cancerous pain Clinical effect
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