
开放标准:企业创新的机遇与挑战——以长风开放标准平台软件联盟为例 被引量:4

Open Standards:Opportunities and Challenges for Companies' Innovations,the Case of Changfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance
摘要 开放标准可以为企业提供平等竞争的机会,使得创新不再是技术领先者的特权。但是,"开放"带来的"不确定性"也向企业标准联盟的组织形态提出了更高的要求。在区分开放标准参与者不同需求的基础上,比较不同开放标准组织知识产权政策的特点,分析长风开放标准平台软件联盟开放标准政策的特点和现状。 Open standards can offer enterprises with equal opportunities to join competitions,which make innovations no longer privileges of technology leaders.However,the ″uncertainty″ of the meaning of ″open″ is posing new challenges for organizational structures adopted by enterprise standard unions.By distinguishing actors in the process of standardization based on their different needs,comparing different characteristics of open standards' intellectual property policies and analyzing the policy and situation of Changfeng Open Standard Platform Software Alliance,the thesis intends to provide useful suggestions for participations of open standardizations of China's enterprises and organizations.
作者 徐杨 梁正
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期84-87,共4页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(70902005) 国家软科学研究计划项目(2008GXS4K068)
关键词 开放标准 知识产权政策 参与者 长风联盟 open standards intellectual property policies actors Changfeng Open Standard Platform Software Alliance
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