以{→,~}为连词完全集的一阶逻辑前束范式定理是由4 个等值式得到的。对于4个等值式,本文得到了它们之间的一个基本关系;同时,利用不带等词的一阶系统K 中的两个定理来证明了4 个等值式是两两等价的。
In the first order logic whose adequate set of connective is (→,~),we can use the four \{equivalent\} valued formulas to show that the prenex normal form theorem is true.We find that there′s a basic relationship between the four equivalent valued formulas.In this paper,we make use of two theorems of the first order system without equality to prove that two of the four equivalent valued formulas are equivalent to each other.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Natoral Sciences)