
基于敌我对抗信息的目标机动态势估计 被引量:4

Prediction of Target Maneuvering Situation based on Confrontation Information between the Enemy and Ourselves
摘要 如果空袭目标距离被攻击目标比较近,飞行员为了完成作战任务和战术生存,通常采取一定的进攻战术。可对进攻战术意图进行推理,并对目标在射弹飞行时间内可能的机动模式进行估计。但是,如果空袭目标距离被攻击目标比较远时,由于作战任务的约束条件不强,目标通常以战术生存为主,因此,提出了基于敌我对抗信息的目标机动态势估计模型。首先分析在实战环境下影响目标飞行航路的周围环境因素,和在敌我对抗态势下经常采取的战术生存机动,然后建立基于贝叶斯网络的目标机动态势预测模型,最后进行了仿真实例验证所建立模型有效性。 If there is a small distance between attacking aircraft and our protected military establishment,pilot generally adopt a certain attacking tactics for mission and survival.We can inference the attacking tactics of enemy,and predict the probable maneuvering situation at the time of projectile intercept.But if there is a long distance between attacking aircraft and our protected military establishment,the attacking target mainly adopt tactics for survival because of lack of mission limit.Thus,this paper proposes intent inference based on confrontation information between the enemy and ourselves.In this paper,at first,the authors analyze the circumstance factors around target,and the common maneuvering situation of target for survival in the countermeasure condition.Secondly we present the future maneuvering situation Prediction of target based on bayesian networks.At last,the effect capability of presented method is validated in the simulation.
机构地区 军械工程学院
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期152-155,共4页 Fire Control & Command Control
关键词 敌我对抗 意图推理 贝叶斯网络 机动态势 counterwork intent inference bayesian networks future maneuvering mode
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