
个人人力资本、社会资本对职业成功的作用研究 被引量:15

Individual Human Capital and Social Capital Effect on Career Success
摘要 本文以武汉、北京、上海等19个城市的156家单位员工为对象,实证分析了个人人力资本、社会资本对职业成功的影响,研究表明人力资本对薪水有着显著的正影响,社会资本积极作用于职业满意度,而升迁则同时受到人力资本和社会资本的积极影响。个人可以通过各种途径提高人力资本,积聚社会资本,从而达到满意的职业成功状态。 This paper analyzes the effect of individual human capital and social capital on career success, using data from 19 cities and 156 organizations including Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, and Guiyang. The results show that: human capital has positive impact on compensation; social capital is positively associated with career satisfaction; and promotion is affected by human capital and social capital simultaneously. And individual can achieve career success, such as salary increase, promotion and career satisfaction, through the approach of accumulation of human capital and social capital.
作者 刘芳 吴欢伟
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期128-133,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
关键词 人力资本 社会资本 职业成功 个人层面 human capital social capital career success individual level
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