
基于AMC的无线QoS延时性能研究 被引量:1

Research on Delay Performance of Wireless QoS Based on AMC
摘要 提出采用AMC模式的无线通信系统,研究其基于延时QoS的保障仿真模型,并仿真服从Nakagami衰落分布的FSMC模型对视频业务流的延迟保障特性。仿真结果表明,通过提高信噪比可提高数据延时QoS保障性能,使用该模型可以通过仿真精确认定特定衰落信道是否能满足延时QoS要求,有效改进模型精度和仿真过程。 This paper proposes a delay based on QoS simulation model with AMC via wireless system,and further delay constraint characteristic is simulated via finite state Markov channel model for video stream traffic by utilizing Nakagami distribution.Simulaton result reveals that,higher SNR gives a better delay performance of QoS,and the model can consequently be used to improve model accuracy and process.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第19期120-122,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 服务质量 自适应调制编码 有限马尔科夫信道 NAKAGAMI信道 Quality of Service(QoS) Adaptive Modulation & Coding(AMC) Finite State Markov Channel(FSMC) Nakagami channel
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