
针对CLEFIA的多字节差分故障分析 被引量:3

Multiple Bytes Differential Fault Analysis on CLEFIA
摘要 研究CLEFIA分组密码对多字节差分故障分析的安全性,给出CLEFIA分组密码算法及故障分析原理。根据在第r轮、r-1轮、r-2轮注入多字节故障的3种条件,提出一种新的针对CLEFIA的多字节故障模型及分析方法。通过仿真实验进行验证,结果表明,由于其Feistel结构和S盒特性,CLEFIA易遭受多字节故障攻击,68个错误密文可恢复128 bit的CLEFIA密钥。 This paper examines the strength of CLEFIA block cipher against multiple bytes differential fault attack.It presents a principle of CLEFIA and differential fault analysis.According to inject faults into the rth,r-1th,r-2th round three conditions,it proposes a new fault analysis method on CLEFIA based on multiple bytes fault model,and verifies it through software simulation.Experimental result demonstrates that due to its Feistel structure and S-box feature,CLEFIA is vulnerable to multiple bytes fault attack,68 faulty ciphertexts are needed to recover full 128 bit key.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第19期156-158,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60772082) 河北省自然科学基金数学研究专项基金资助项目(08M010)
关键词 分组密码 CLEFIA密码 FEISTEL结构 多字节故障 差分故障分析 block cipher CLEFIA cipher Feistel structure multiple bytes faults differential fault analysis
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