文章研究了电色散补偿(EDC)均衡器对长距离10 Gbit/s小型可插拔式(XFP)光模块性能的改进。根据测试需要搭建测试台位:光发射部分采用80 km电吸收调制器(EML)光源,接收部分采用雪崩光电二极管+跨阻放大器(APD+TIA)的光电探测器,EDC均衡器对光电探测器输出的码流采用色散补偿算法来优化线路特性。将80 km EML光源加入EDC均衡器后,传输距离延长到了120 km。
This paper studies the optimization of the transmission performances of a XFP module by using an Electronic Dispersion Compensation(EDC) equalizer.A test platform is set up as required in tests,on which 80km EML light source is used as the optical transmitting part,an APD+TIA photoelectronic detector as the receiving part and the EDC equalizer performs the dispersion compensation algorithm for the code stream from the photoelectronic detector to optimize the line characteristics.When the light source is directed into the equalizer,the transmission range is extended to 120 km.
Study on Optical Communications