
计及分布式电源的配电网故障恢复研究 被引量:2

Research on Distribution System Restoration Considering Distributed Generation
摘要 针对配电网中一旦发生故障,受影响的负荷将被从网络中断开,并在网络重构过程中恢复供电这一现状,研究了引入分布式电源(DG)在故障恢复和网络重构中产生的影响。建立了考虑DG的网络重构数学模型,对目标函数和约束条件进行了相应的修改,加入了DG和电能质量因素,使用一种改进的粒子群优化算法(BPSO)解决此网络重构问题,最后采用IEEE69节点系统进行测试。研究结果表明提出的模型是合理和有效的。 When the distribution system goes wrong,the affected loads get disconnected and service should be restored through a network reconfiguration procedure.The impact of distributed generation(DG) on the distribution system during service restoration and network reconfiguration is investigated,and the mathematical model of network reconfiguration with DG is built.The objective function and constraints are modified,and DG and power quality factors are discussed.A method based on modified binary particle swarm optimization(BPSO) is applied to solve network reconfiguration problems,tested in the IEEE69 system.The results showthat the model is effective and reasonable.
出处 《能源研究与管理》 2010年第3期15-18,共4页 Energy Research and Management
关键词 分布式电源 配电网 电能质量 故障恢复 粒子群 distributed generation distribution system power quality service restoration particle swarm
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