

The Historical Interaction on the Party System in Malaysia
摘要 马来西亚政党制度的形成是东西方因素合力作用的结果。一方面,在殖民统治时期,英国从自身利益出发对马来亚进行了制度移植,在非殖民化过程中,马来(西)亚主要政党顺势而生;另一方面,本土因素在这一过程中发挥了深刻的塑造作用,从而使政党制度这一最重要的现代性因素逐渐适应后殖民时代马来西亚的社会政治发展。 Formation of Malaysian party system is a result of integrating oriental and western factors.Britain transplanted certain systems to Malaya in the colonial period.The major political parties in Malaysia were born at the right time in the process of decolonization.In this process,the local factors played remarkable role in Malaysian party system and promoted social and political development
作者 宋效峰
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2010年第3期37-42,共6页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 马来西亚 一党优势制 殖民主义 本土因素 Malaysia One-Party Dominant System Colonialism Local factors
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