
基于电子学档的终身学习评估及能力认证模型 被引量:7

Design the e-Portfolio Based Model of Competence Evaluation and Certification in Lifelong Learning Technology System
摘要 面向大众的终身学习具有典型的实用性目标,即公众是带着实用的目标参与终身学习项目,以便获得实用技能、增长见识或发展能力。为此,实现以能力发展为导向的终身学习评估及能力认证,成为面向终身学习的技术系统的一个核心功能。在对终身学习的背景作了简要介绍,对能力取向的评估与认证方式、相应的参考模型以及实现的技术进行了调查、综述的基础上,提出了在上海终身学习网实现能力取向的学习评估与认证的模型,并对该模型所包含的能力描述模型、能力评估模型、电子学档进行了阐述;对实现该技术模型所需要配套的机制进行了展望。 As the most salient characteristic of lifelong learning open to anyone who wants to learn, learners are typically competence oriented to pursuit practical learning objectives such as obtaining practical skills, building new knowledge or developing competence. Therefore, a model of competence assessment and certification should be designed as one of the core functions in a lifelong learning technology system. In doing so, the needs of competence exchange in lifelong learning systems is briefly introduced; next the status of competence-oriented learning assessment and certification is analyzed; and then related specifications of competence description, competence reference model and data management of e-portfolio system are briefed, and a model of competence assessment and certification which would be realized in the Shanghai lifelong learning network is described in detail. A tentative mechanism of competence exchange is also proposed in order to fulfill the potential value of this technological model in future practice.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2010年第5期10-15,共6页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 上海市教委基础教育资源中心与上海远程教育集团课题"终身学习门户设计及能力评估框架"的研究成果
关键词 终身学习 能力取向 能力模型 电子学档 评估 认证 Lifelong learning Competence-oriented Competence model E-portfolio Assessment Certificate.
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