
学习科学:架构课程发展的新参照系 被引量:8

Learning Sciences:Constructing the New Fame of Reference for Curriculum Development
摘要 20世纪80-90年代,北美及欧洲的认知科学及教育研究领域的有识之士,几乎同时启动了时学习机理的新探索,奠基了今日的学习科学。计算机科学技术的飞速发展催化并支撑了学习科学向教学及课程领域的渗透,新的课程发展参照系正在建立。来自发达国家及地区的课程改革成功经验,为理解学习科学与课程发展的关系提供了借鉴。例子表明了学习科学视域中课程发展的几个关键要素:学习者中心、追求理解、促进卓越、个体道德——社会——智力的全面发展,以及技术的不可或缺。论证也表明,学校教育功能难以满足新文化背景下个体发展的需要,难以履行教育的全部使命;非正式学习必将成为教育创新的一个基点。 During 1980s-1990s, researchers of insights in the fields of cognitive science and educational research from North America and Europe start the exploration on the mechanism of learning, which founded today' s sciences of learning. The rapid development of computer technology has catalyzed and supported that learning sciences penetrating into the field of curriculum and instruction, and a new frame of reference is building up for curriculum development. Successful experience in curriculum reform from developed countries and regions provide references for understanding the relationship between learning sciences and curriculum development. Examples presented by this paper show significations of curriculum development in the views of leaning sciences, which suggest that the curriculum focus on: the learner, the pursuit of understanding, promoting excellence, ethical-social - intellectual development, and the uses of technology. These arguments also show that the function of school education can not meet the individual development needs in new cultural context. It is difficult for education in school to fulfill all the mission of education. Informal learning will become a point of educational innovation.
作者 裴新宁
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2010年第5期84-91,共8页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 上海市浦江人才计划资助项目"基于变构学习模型的科学教育有效方式研究:中欧比较的视角"(编号:2008 C类)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 学习科学 课程发展 国际案例 Learning sciences Curriculum development International cases.
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