中国13 世纪历法交食计算的原理及方法主要载于《元史历志》的《授时历》术文中.《授时历》是中国历史上最负盛名、精度极高的一部著名历法.本文在恢复并确认其交食推步法的基础上,通过比较《授时历》行用期间( 文中给出了 A D1280 ~1645) 的推步结果与现代计算结果之间的关系,从而研究《授时历》的交食推步精度.具体而言,1) 给出了日、月食食甚时刻的平均误差分别为23 .9min 和19 .4min ;2) 得到了日、月食食分的古今推步结果之间的关系;3) 指出《授时历》的交食推步存在可靠性问题.
In the 13th century,the eclipse calculating theory and method of China almost all recorded in the calendar of Shoushi,part of 'Lizhi'(calendar part of the annals in China)of Yuanshi (annals of the Yuan dynasty from AD 1?279 to 1?368).This calendar (epoch of AD 1?281,Yuan dynasty,adopted from AD 1?281 to 1?644) was very famous and accurate then. It had evolved perfect and complete theoretical models of solar system objects.Almost every part of this work has its correspondences in modern astronomical year book.It has been made only by native Chinese astronomers summed up through the studies about a lot of real observing results. Due to the fact of recovering and identifying the eclipse calculating method of this calendar,this paper compared the computing results between the Shoushi method and modern one in the period of its usage (this paper took AD 1?280~1?645).So the precision of eclipse calculation obtained.We derived the time of middle eclipse;for solar eclipses,there are only 114 ones computed by us that have correspondences with modern calculation.The average value of the differences is -0.6 minutes and the mean value of the absolute values of the differences is 23.9 minutes.For all lunar eclipses,the average is 0.8 minutes and the absoute is 19.4 minutes.The longer period this calendar is used, the lower the precision is.The relationship of the magnitude of maximum phase is also given in this paper between both calculations of the Shoushi calendar and modrn method.At last,this text points out that there is the problem of reliability in the eclipse computations by the Shoushi method.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)