On the basis of the natural resource situations of sunlight, heat, precipitation and so on in the Yantai area, we have conscien tiously analysed the potential productivity of the different cultivation technical system consisting in the local wheat and maize according to the estimative method provided by FAO. And then we have given the following evaluations of the four sorts of the two crops one year technical system composed rationally of the two crops: (1 )The system of interplanting the late maturing maize with the late sowing single stem wheat have the highest potential productivity of sunlight and temperalure( limited by the conditions of sunlight and temperature) and the higher climatic potential productivity (limited by the climatic conditions). Up till now it is suitable for get ting the highest yield in the two crops technical system; (2)The system of late interplanting the middle maturing maize with the middle stubble middle sowing wheat have the highest climatic potential productivity and the good function of the stable yields. Now it is suitable for popularizing and applying as the main sort of the two crops technical system in the large area in the locality. (3)The system of directplanting the middle maturing maize after harvesting the late sowing single stem wheat have the higher climatic potential productivity and the good synthetical conditions of water and heat in the want of the crops. It is good for popularizing and applying in the conditions of the higher mechanization level and slightly low yield level. (4)The system of early interplanting the middle maturing maize with the early stubble precision drilling wheat have the lowest climatic potential productivity and the poor function of the stable yield. It has to be replaced by the other two- crops technical system at once.
wheat, maize, system of cultivation technique, potential productivity of sunlight and temperature, climatic potential pro ductivity, two crops one year technical system