

Study on Theater of Air Defense Operation Military Strength Flow Management Simulation Environment
摘要 以确保战区防空兵力安全有序的部署和防空作战计划顺利展开为目标,引入交通管理中的流量管理技术,从兵力流量管理角度进行防空作战仿真研究,提出一种基于兵力流量管理的仿真环境构建模式TADOMSFMSF(Theater of Air Defense Operation Military Strength Flow Management Simulation Framework)。给出基于战区兵力流量管理的仿真环境体系结构图,阐明了体系结构各部分功能,采用UML和面向对象技术对仿真运行框架进行详细说明。该仿真环境着眼战场全局,为开发可重用性好、仿真度高的防空作战软件提供有力支持。 The target is to ensure theater of air defense military strength arrangement safely and orderly while the plan of air defense can carry out smoothly. Flow management in traffic management is contented into the article. As the point of military strength flow, the paper makes the simulation study of air defense operation. TADOMSFMSF (Theater of Air Defense Operation Military Strength Flow Management Simulation Framework) is proposed as the base of military strength flow. The framework chart of military strength flow management simulation environment is presented and the function of all architecture section is explained clearly. UML (Unified Modeling Language) and technology of object-oriented are used in the simulation architecture. By these means, the architecture is also detailed. With a view to allover situation of the battlefield, TADOMSFMSF can provide strong support for the air defense operation simulation application with reusability and creditability.
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2010年第5期83-86,共4页 Command Control & Simulation
关键词 战区防空兵力 兵力流量 仿真环境 面向对象 theater of air defense military strength military strength flow simulation environment object-oriented
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