
空间杆系结构的智能生成与设计 被引量:4

Intelligent generation and design of spatial truss structures
摘要 计算机已成功应用于大型空间结构的分析、设计与施工图绘制,但如何利用计算机模拟人脑进行方案阶段的概念设计还面临巨大挑战。基于计算生(合)成理论和算法,构建了数值化的空间杆系结构概念设计方法。该方法通过结构形状语法的分类与定义、模拟退火优化算法的改进,可实现在三维空间内搜寻满足设计条件的"最优"结构设计方案。由于数值化概念设计方法在结构构型方面综合了结构拓扑构建、形状确定、截面尺寸选择等参数,在结构设计方面综合了建筑美观性、结构安全经济性、施工便捷性等要求,因而由此生成、设计并实现的空间杆系结构将在结构整体性能和整体造价上优于按传统设计方法或优化设计方法所得到的结构。荷兰阿姆斯特丹"数字华盖"和伦敦Paternoster Square日晷支架的设计与建造表明,该方法可成功应用于概念设计或传统或新颖的空间杆系结构。 Computational methods have been successfully applied in structural analysis,code check and drawings of large-scale spatial structures.However,there are still huge challenges in performing conceptual design of structures using computers simulating the way that human brain works.Based on computational synthesis method,a conceptual design method of spatial truss structures was proposed in the paper.Unifying the structural shape grammar and the improved simulated annealing algorithm,the method is capable of exploring best solutions in both routine and challenging scenarios.In the aspect of structural configuration,the method integrates structural topology,geometry and section size allocation;in the aspect of structural design and optimization,it takes into account the combined effects of safety,economy,ease of construction and architectural elegance.Thus the structure generated by this synthesis method must be the‘best’design in terms of the overall structural performance and cost compared with that obtained by traditional or optimal design method.The generation and realization of the Digital Canopy at Amsterdam and the Noon Mark Cantilever Support at the London Paternoster Square validated the proposed conceptual design method of spatial truss structures.
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期63-69,共7页 Journal of Building Structures
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50778130) 英国EPSRC项目(GR/R55740)
关键词 概念设计 计算生(合)成理论 形状语法 模拟退火 结构优化 conceptual design computational synthesis shape grammar simulated annealing structural optimization
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