In the previous content word-oriented theoretical frameworks of both traditional and structural grammars, the Uyghur case (K) has been treated as a grammatical category of nouns, that is, an adjunctive component of nouns, and never gained a syntactic status in its own right. As a result, the following two problems have so far escaped our attention: first, as functional words, case members may conjoin with a complete variety of nominal classes including adjectives, numerals, number-measure word structures, pronouns, onomatopoeic words, nominalized phrases, adjectivalized phrases, plural phrases and possessive phrases, instead of exclusively with nouns, constituting phrases with case markings of their own; second, syntactically, a whole nominal phrase instead of a single noun stem may be subject to case markings. This paper attempts to provide plausible explanations to these questions in the light of the functional word-oriented framework of generative syntactic theory.
Minority Languages of China