
存在者与存在着之区别——地理学批判实在论对巴斯卡批判实在论的偏离 被引量:1

The Difference Between the Existent and Existing——Critical Realism of Geography as a Departure from Critical Realism of Bhaskar
摘要 地理学把实在论哲学引入本领域过程中对实在论进行了重构,重构过程中地理学批判实在论对其先驱巴斯卡批判实在论"存在着"哲学产生了偏离,其真正理论源泉是巴斯卡的哲学老师哈里的"存在者"实在论体系。"存在者"哲学中构成论的缺陷可以被"存在着"哲学中的生成论范式所弥补。 Geographers reconstruct the concept of realism in the process of applying realism into geography. In that process the critical realism of geography departures from ' existing' critical realism initiated by Bhaskar. It is actually originated from ' existent' realism initiated by Harre, the philosophy teacher of Bhaskar. The limitation of constitution method, which is the characteristics of ' existent' philosophy, would be remedied by generation method of ' existing' philosophy.
作者 鲍伶俐
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期55-59,共5页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
关键词 地理学批判实在论 因果力量 生成机制 规律 构成论 生成论 critical realism of geography causal power generative mechanism law constitution method generation method
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