目的 观察异体骨髓单个核细胞和胰岛细胞通过肝脏和静脉途径移植后对糖尿病大鼠的治疗作用.方法 密度梯度离心法分离胰岛细胞,淋巴细胞分离液分离骨髓单个核细胞,28只糖尿病大鼠模型随机分为A、B、C、D组,A组在肝脏被膜下多点注射1000个胰岛细胞,B组在体外将1000个胰岛细胞和1×107个骨髓单个核细胞混合后在肝脏被膜下多点注射,C组通过尾静脉注射1000个胰岛细胞,D组在体外将1000个胰岛细胞和1×107个骨髓单个核细胞混合后通过尾静脉注射,移植后于不同时间点尾静脉测定随机血糖,比较不同细胞组合和移植途径之间对糖尿病的治疗作用.结果 A、B组血糖于术后3 d内开始下降,A组血糖可降至正常水平(7.98±2.28)mmol/L,血糖维持正常水平(3.71±0.95)d,B组降至(7.72±1. 75)mmol/L可维持(4.86±1.06)d,静脉移植组血糖于术后4 d内降至正常(7.35±1.40)mmol/L,可维持(7.85±1.46)d,D组静脉注射胰岛于4 d起效(7.00±0.83)mmol/L,血糖可降至正常水平可维持(14.10±1.21)d,各组间血糖随时间变化的趋势及维持正常水平的时间具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 骨髓单个核细胞和胰岛混合细胞通过尾静脉移植对大鼠血糖维持正常时间最长,血糖控制水平最理想.
Objective To study the curative effect of bone marrow mononuclear cells and pancreatic islets transplantation through the approach of the liver and tail vein. Methods The pancreatic islets and bone marrow mononuclear cells were isolated by discontinuous gradients centrifugation. Twenty-eight diabetic rats were randomly divided into groups A, B, C, and D. The rats in group A received 1000 pancreatic islets transplantation beneath the liver capsule, those in group B received transplantation of pancreatic islets and 1 × 107 bone marrow mononuclear cells beneath the liver capsule, those in group C received transplantation of 1000 pancreatic islets through the tail vein, and those in group D received transplantation of 1000 pancreatic islets and 1 × 107 bone marrow mononuclear cells through the tail vein. Plasma glucose level was determined at different time points. The effectiveness of combined different cells and transplantation approaches was compared. Results The blood glucose levels in groups A and B started to decrease in 3 days after transplantation. The blood glucose level in group A could be reduced to the normal level (7. 98 ±2. 28) mmol/L and maintain (3.71 ±0. 95) days, and that in group B could be reduced to (7. 72 ±1.75) mmol/L and maintain (4. 86 ± 1.06) days. The blood glucose level in groups C and D started to decrease in 4 days after transplantation. The blood glucose level in group C could be reduced to (7. 35 ±1.40) mmol/L and maintain (7. 85 ± 1.46) days, and that in group D to (7.00 ± 0. 83 ) mmol/L and maintain ( 14. 10 ± 1.21 ) days. There was statistically significant difference in blood glucose level among all groups ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion Transplantation of pancreatic islets combined with mononuclear cells through the tail vein in rats maintains the normal plasma glucose level for the longest duration. The plasma glucose level is ideal.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
Islet Bone marrow mononuclear cell Allograft Diabetes mellitus