
稳定有效的频域反Q滤波方法 被引量:3

A Stable and Efficient Approach of Inverse Q Filtering in the Frequency Domain
摘要 针对传统反Q滤波技术存在着难以由地面资料反演层状Q值场的困难,现提出一种基于等效Q值的频率域反Q滤波方法。该方法允许等效品质因子Q在纵向上随时间连续变化,横向上弱变化;针对反Q滤波技术中固有的不稳定性,采取了控制最大补偿因子在有效频带范围内对地震数据进行反Q滤波的方法实现算法的稳定性,同时还考查了噪声对稳定性控制的影响。正演模拟数据处理结果表明:提出的算法对地震波的粘性吸收进行了合理的补偿,使地震信号的信噪比和分辨率有了明显改善。 With respect to the problem of traditional inverse Q filtering technique hard to inverse layer Q value field from the surface data,an inverse Q filtering method based on the effective Q values in the frequency domain is proposed,in which the effective quality factor Q can vary continuously along two way travel time and vary weakly in spatial direction.In connection with inherent instability of inverse Q filtering technology,inverse Q filtering is conducted on seismic data in the effective frequency band by means of controlling the maximum compensation factor to achieve stability of the algorithm. How the noise affect to the conformity of stability is examined also.Processing results of forward modeling data show that the method has a reasonable compensation to absorption of seismic waves in the viscous.Noise ratio and resolution of seismic signal has improved significantly.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2010年第25期6257-6259,6263,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 反Q滤波 等效品质因子 噪声 稳定性因子 inverse Q filtering effective quality factor noise stability factor
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