为了实现常减压蒸馏装置的优化操作,并探讨以 SQP 为基础的化工流程优化方法对于实际复杂装置的优化能力,本文采用 RFV 法对常减压蒸馏装置进行了以能耗最低为目标的优化。通过计算,找到了一套适合于该装置的调优因子,优化结果可取得一定的经济效益。
For the purpose of optimization of operation conditions of crude oil di-stillation unit and exploitation of the availability of the chemical process o-ptimization methods based on Successive Quadratic Programming(SQP) to theactually complicate units,the Reduced Feasible Variant(RFV)algorithm is u-sed to minimize the energy consumption of distillation units.According tothe calculation results a set of algorithm′s turning parameters suitable for theunits is proposed.In the meantime,the optimization results indicate that so-me reduction of the total energy consumption could be expected.