TSC-3二冲程汽油机油的关键性能是:防止火花塞早燃、好的发动机清净性和防止活塞胀紧.本文研究了基础油组成和添加剂配方对这些性能的影响.同时采用溶剂预稀释,改善了油品的混合性和流动性.所研制的TSC-3油质量达到美国太阳油公司SunXtra 2T油的水平.而且在混合性/流动性方面比后者更好.
Abstract The TSC-3 (L-ERC) two-cycle motor oil is characterized by its ability of preventing pre-ignition of spark plugs, maintaining engine cleanliness and avoiding piston seizure. The effects of base oil composition and additive package on the performance of formulated two-cycle motor oil have been investigated. Pre-dilution with kerosene is adopted for better mixability with gasoline fuel and better fluidity. The performance of TSC-3(L-ERC) oil is equivalent to the Sun Xtra 2T two-cycle motor oil in all aspects with better mixability and fluidity.