
涂阳肺结核密切接触者筛查报告 被引量:2

Screening Report of Close Contacts with Smear-positive Tuberculosis
摘要 目的:尽可能减少肺结核的传染和扩散,保护易感者。方法:对首例患者同一车间的密切接触者采取PPD试验和拍摄X胸片的方法进行筛查。结果:在密切接触者中确诊1例进行抗结核治疗,对16例PPD强阳性者予以预防性投药。结论:在结核暴露的高危人群中,对PPD强阳性者予以预防性投药,可以有效降低发病率,防止续发病例的产生。 Objective:Minimize the spread of tuberculosis infection and to protect susceptible.Methods:First workshop on the same close contact with patients who take PPD test and chest X film screening methods.Results:In the close contacts were confirmed one case of anti-TB treatment,16 cases were strongly positive to PPD preventive dosage.Conclusions:TB exposure in high-risk populations,strong positive on the PPD to antiviral prophylaxis can reduce the incidence of cases to prevent the renewal of the production.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2010年第17期3295-3296,共2页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 肺结核 涂阳肺结核 传染源 密切接触者 PPD皮试 Tuberculosis Smear Source of infection Close contacts PPD skin test
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