
城市非点源污染模型研究进展 被引量:52

Review of Urban Nonpoint Source Pollution Models
摘要 回顾了城市非点源污染模型的发展历史,分析了能够模拟城市非点源污染的7个国外模型(SWMM、STORM、SLAMM、HSPF、DR3M-QUAL、MOUSE和HydroWorks)的特点、适用性和局限性,介绍了国外城市非点源污染模型不确定性研究方法和成果以及城市非点源污染分析概率模型,总结了国内城市非点源污染模型的研究成果.指出国外城市非点源污染模型在污染物累积和冲刷、泥沙和污染物运移、污染物的生化反应等方面模拟能力不足,而国内城市非点源污染模型多是经验模型,模拟面积较小,模拟精度较差.提出未来城市非点源污染模型研究应提高泥沙和污染物的模拟能力,探索无资料和不完全信息下城市非点源污染的模拟和预测,加强城市非点源污染随机性模型的研究,发展城市非点源污染模型与GIS的耦合应用. The development history of urban nonpoint source pollution models is reviewed.Features,applicability and limitations of seven popular urban nonpoint source pollution models(SWMM,STORM,SLAMM,HSPF,DR3M-QUAL,MOUSE,and HydroWorks) are discussed.The methodology and research findings of uncertainty in urban nonpoint source pollution modeling are presented.Analytical probabilistic models for estimation of urban nonpoint sources are also presented.The research achievements of urban nonpoint source pollution models in China are summarized.The shortcomings and gaps of approaches on urban nonpoint source pollution models are pointed out.Improvements in modeling of pollutants buildup and washoff,sediments and pollutants transport,and pollutants biochemical reactions are desired for those seven popular models.Most of the models developed by researchers in China are empirical models,so that they can only applied for specific small areas and have inadequate accuracy.Future approaches include improving capability in fate and transport simulation of sediments and pollutants,exploring methodologies of modeling urban nonpoint source pollution in regions with little data or incomplete information,developing stochastic models for urban nonpoint source pollution simulation,and applying GIS to facilitate urban nonpoint source pollution simulation.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期2532-2540,共9页 Environmental Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2005CB724202) 优秀重点实验室基金项目(50823005)
关键词 城市非点源污染 累积 冲刷 生化反应 不确定性 研究进展 urban nonpoint source pollution buildup washoff biochemical reaction uncertainty research advance
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