目的建立基于移动设备的生物危害评估模拟系统,实现多种病原微生物通过气溶胶施放、水体施放及通过邮件传播的危害评估,进而以可视化的方式在地图中进行展示。方法收集、整理与确定病原微生物通过气溶胶施放、水体施放及通过邮件传播的危害评估模型,应用空间分析技术设计其可视化模型。以Embedded Visual c++4.0和Visual Studio 2005+为系统开发软件,基于Windows mobile 5.0,结合GPS现场定位、全国行政区划、人口和交通网络等数字地图,利用可视化模拟技术,实现对生物事件发生后其危害的快速评估,并对其污染范围及影响的人群在地图上进行直观、动态的可视化模拟与展示。结果建立的移动式生物危害模拟系统,包括了3种施放方式的危害评估模块,通过气溶胶施放的模块实现了对炭疽芽孢杆菌、鼠疫耶尔森菌、土拉热弗朗西斯菌、布鲁氏杆菌、鼻疽伯克霍尔德菌类鼻疽伯克霍尔德菌等6种病原微生物施放后的危害评估,并实现了危害范围的可视化;通过水体施放的危害评估模块实现了危害范围的评估及可视化;通过邮件传播的模块实现了对炭疽施放后感染及死亡人数的评估。结论本研究在综合应用多种技术和学科交叉研究的基础上,实现了基于移动设备的生物危害评估模拟,能为生物危害应急反应提供决策依据。
Objective To develop a system to simulate bio-hazard assessments using mobile equipment.To assess the hazards of a variety of pathogenic microorganisms released by aerosol and water and transmitted by mail and then to visualize those hazards on a map.Methods Pathogens released by aerosol or water or transmitted by mail were collected,organized,and clearly determined to simulate bio-hazard assessment.A spatial analysis technique was used to visually simulate assessments.Embedded Visual C++4.0 and Visual Studio 2005+ software were used for system development.Based on Windows Mobile 5.0,the system was combined with GPS site positioning,national administrative divisions,and digital maps of population and transportation networks.Visual simulation techniques were used to rapidly assess bio-hazard incidents and then contaminated areas and individuals affected were intuitively and dynamically presented and simulated visually on a map.Results The developed system includes three modules for bio-hazard assessment: a module of aerosol release of Bacillus anthracis,Yersinia pestis,Francisella tularensis,Brucella spp.,Burkholderia mallei,and Burkholderia pseudomallei and for the visualization of contaminated areas.A module of water release allowed hazard assessment and the visualization of contaminated areas.A module of transmission by mail allowed the assessment of infection and deaths following the release of anthrax.Conclusion This study simulated bio-hazard assessment based on mobile devices(PDAs) on the basis of comprehensive use of multiple technologies and interdisciplinary research.This study provides a basis for decisions on emergency response to bio-hazards.
Journal of Pathogen Biology
Mobile geographic information system
bio-hazard assessment