在含有16%乙醇的盐酸溶液中,钛(IV)与钽试剂(BPHA)配合物在-0.3V(vs·SCE)或开路情况下吸附于玻璃碳电极表面,在-0.3— -0.8V范围内以250mV·S^-1扫描速度进行溶出,溶出峰电位为-0.57V,钛(IV)浓度在1-35ng·mL^-1(-0.3V下富集2min);D0.06-2ng·mL^-1(开路富集4min)范围内与峰高呈良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.989和0.998,体系选择性好,灵敏度高,操作简单,用于纯铝中痕量钛的测定,重现性好,结果准确。
It was found that in an'acidic solution of 0.12mol·L^-1HCI containing 16% (by Volume) of alcohol and 2×10^-4mol·L^-1 of benzoylphenylhydroxy amine (BPHA), titanium(IV)forms with BPHA a stable chelate which is absorbed and preconcentrated on the stationary mercury plated glassy carbon electrode under open circuit condition or at -0.3V (vs .SCE).A sensitive stripping peak is observed at -0.57V (vs-SCE) at a scanning rate of 250 mV·s^-1 in the potential range between -0.3V to -0.8V. When the time of preconcentration was set at 4 min (under open circuit condition) or at 2rain (at -0.3V),linear relationships between peak height and concentration of titanium(IV) in the ranges of 0.06-2ng·mL^-1(and 1-35ng·mL^-1)were obtained, with Values of correlation coefficient of 0.998 and 0.989,and with their detection limits of 0.0076ng·mL^-1 and 0.153ng·mL^-1,respectively. The method has been satisfactorily applied to the determination of traces of Ti(IV) in pure aluminum samples giving RSD's of 1.2% to 1.3%.
Adsorptive-Stripping Voltammetry