台湾生物多样性数据库之整合从2001年开始,是因为数位典藏计划、生物多样性推动方案,及台湾加入全球生物多样性信息网络(Global Biodiversity Information Facility,GBIF),均在这一年启动。2002年"中研院"开始建置台湾物种名录数据库(TaiBNET),GBIF之台湾入口网TaiBIF则是在2004年时建置,用来整合台湾生物多样性的资料并与国际接轨。所采用之方法及格式均依循GBIF所发展的交换标准,一来可以整合台湾的数据,二来可及时与国际交换数据。虽然TaiBNET及TaiBIF已突破智慧财产权(知识产权)的障碍,可搜集整合数位典藏各子计划逐年累积的资料,但跨部门间及非数位典藏计划所产生的数据,仍因各单位及个人的本位主义而难以整合分享,特别是生态分布原始数据。因此2008年在"中研院"成立了跨主管部门的委员会,制订可行之资料搜集、整合与公开的政策,并要求各主管部门在委办合约中纳入。无人否认数据库整合的重要,但在现行对研究人员考评制度下,研究人员大多不愿投入数据库建置的学术服务工作,所获得的人力与经费亦日益短缺而难以永续经营。亟需相关部门的重视与支持。TaiBIF在过去6年来的推动成果虽未臻理想,但所获的经验和心得仍有可供外界参考与借镜之处。
The integration of Taiwan's biodiversity databases started in 2001,the same year that both the Digital Archives Program(later renamed Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program;TELDAP) and Biodiversity Action Plan were launched and Taiwan joined the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF) as an Associate Participant.In 2002,Academia Sinica began the creation of the "Catalog of Life in Taiwan" database(TaiBNET).Taiwan's node of GBIF,TaiBIF,established in 2004,integrates Taiwan's biodiversity data and shares it with the global community.Both TaiBNET and TaiBIF have broken through the barrier of Intellectual Property Rights and can collect and integrate data accumulated by TELDAP's various sub-projects.However,raw data,especially those on ecological distribution,generated by different agencies or non-TELDAP projects are still dispersed due to parochialism.A cross-agency committee was thus established in Academia Sinica in 2008 to formulate policies on data collection and integration,as well as mechanisms to increase public availability of data.Any commissioned project will hereafter include these policy requirements in the contract.The results of TaiBIF's efforts over the past six years,though not perfect,can provide some information and insights for others to reference or replicate.
Biodiversity Science