
一类相异功能反应的predator-prey扩散系统的稳定性 被引量:1

Stability of a predator-prey diffusion system with different functional response
摘要 针对斑块生境下具有庇护所效应的相异功能性反应predator-prey扩散系统,讨论了系统持续生存的条件.运用常微分方程定性理论讨论了系统解的有界性,通过构造Lyapunov函数得到了一定条件下该系统正解是全局渐近稳定的.进一步利用Pioncare定理和Brower定理证明了惟一周期正解的存在性与稳定性. A predator-prey diffusion system between patches,which prey takes different functional response between different patches,and prey has refuge in a patch is studied.The condition of persistence is discussed.The boundedness of the solution of the system is given by qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations.Then positive solution is proved to be globally asymptotically stable by means of Lyapunov function.Furthermore,the only periodic positive solution is proved to be of existence and stable by using the Pioncare theorem and fixed point theorem.
出处 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第4期530-534,共5页 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
基金 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项基金(08JK307)
关键词 predator-prey扩散系统 稳定性 功能反应 庇护所效应 predator-prey diffusion system stability functional response refuge effect
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