
基于SIMD PE阵列的图像同态滤波并行算法 被引量:3

Parallel algorithm of image homomorphic filtering based on SIMD PE array
摘要 为了满足G级像素帧实时处理的要求,提出图像同态滤波的数据并行实现方法.讨论了图像帧和滤波器在SIMD PE阵列中的预置及数据并行的滤波处理实现方法,其处理方式规则性强、并行度高,提高了处理速度.由于SIMD PE阵列具有可裁减性,可以适合不同规模图像帧的处理需求,满足不同的嵌入式应用环境. In order to meet the requirement of G-grade pixel frame real-time processing,a data parallel implementation of image homomorphic filtering based on SIMD PE array is proposed.An initialization of image frame and filter in SIMD PE array and the implementation of filtering in SIMD PE array are also discussed.The result demonstrates that the parallel implementation of homomorphic filtering enjoyed strict regularity and high degree of parallelism,thus the processing speed has improved greatly.Meanwhile,due to its tailor ability,it can meet requirements of various image frames,adapt to different embedded applications.
出处 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2010年第3期302-305,共4页 Journal of Xi’an Polytechnic University
基金 国防微电子预研基金项目(41308010203)
关键词 数据并行 SIMD PE阵列 PE选择 映射语言 data parallel SIMD PE array PE choice mapping language
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