
奥巴马的修法计划及对美国教育行政的影响 被引量:3

Obama's Plan for Reauthorization of NCLB Act and its Influence on American Educational Administration
摘要 《不让一个儿童掉队法》的九年实施虽有成绩,但也问题多多。奥巴马政府近期提出修法计划,设想从绩效问责、基于科学、家长择校、灵活性和地方控制等方面对前法加以修补。该计划一旦通过,将对美国的教育行政产生三方面影响,即增加建立联邦-州教育行政磋商组织的可能性、政府-学校互动方式的丰富化以及增强校长和教师的话语权。 There have been both progress and problems in the implementation of No Child Left Behind Act since 2001. Obama's Administration has recently outlined the plan for reanthorization of NCLB Act which focuses on the aspects of "performance accountability", "scientifically-based", "choice of parents", "flexibility and local control". This plan could bring about three changes in American educational administration including more chance of building the federal-state negotiation mechanism, the enrichment of the interactive way between government and schools, and more power for principals and teachers' discourse rights.
作者 冯大鸣
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第18期38-41,共4页 Research in Educational Development
基金 上海哲学社会科学课题“西方国家政府-学校关系改革及其效果研究”(2006BJY002)的部分成果
关键词 《不让一个儿童掉队法》 奥巴马政府 修法计划 教育行政 No Child Left Behind, Obama's Administration, the plan for reauthorization, educational administration
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