
10G PON技术发展应用

Development and Application of 10G PON Technologies
摘要 尽管现阶段10GEPON和10G GPON标准化程度和产业链发展并不成熟,离大规模商用化部署仍然存在一定距离,但面对日益增长的宽带压力,10G EPON和10G GPON已经被公认为运营商接入网宽带提速的热门技术。文章从技术角度出发,对10G EPON和10G GPON在标准化进展、相关技术参数和产业链进程等3个方面进行了总结和分析。 Although 10G EPON and 10G GPON standards and industrial chain have not yet to mature, and large-scale commercial deployment is some way off, both technologies have attracted great interest from operators building next generation broadband networks. This paper discusses 10G EPON and 10G EPON from the technical point of view, analyzing the progress of their standardization, related technical parameters development of optical fiber and phase-out of copper, and industrial chain process.
机构地区 中国联通
出处 《网络电信》 2010年第10期15-17,共3页 Network Telecom
关键词 10G EPON 10G GPON 宽带提速 光进铜退 10G EPON 10G GPON broadband network acceleration development of optical fiber and phase-out of copper
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