There were 35 Soviet jurists coming to China during the early period of the founding of New China. All of them held important posts then and therefore, had a significant influence on the building up of legal system in China. Young and energetic, and having relatively rich work experience in legal field, these specialists were of high academic attainments. This means that they were pretty familiar with the legal system, legal education and legal studies in the former Soviet Union. Definitely, they were competent for passing on the experience of Soviet legal system. When they came to China, they did not know Chinese language and had not done any research on Chinese legal system. However, with great efforts, they became "China hands" on Chinese legal system and scored outstanding achievements. This had not only proved their relatively high qualities and abilities, but also showed their efforts and success in combining Soviet experience with Chinese conditions. Studying this group of Soviet jurists helps us better understand why the former Soviet legal system has such deep influence on Chinese legal system.
Global Law Review