

Iran's Perception of Nuclear Nonproliferation Mechanism and Its Roots
摘要 尽管伊朗是首批加入《不扩散核武器条约》的国家,但和平利用核能的需求以及作为地区大国对地区主导权的竞逐,使得伊朗追求核开发的意愿极其强烈。伊斯兰革命后,伊朗在战争洗礼中的独特历史体验,国际法在维护其合法权利上的苍白无力,美国在核不扩散机制实施上出尔反尔和双重标准,使得伊朗在强力推进和平利用核能的同时,国家内部亦存在着挑战不扩散机制的强烈动能,也使得无论是强制外交,还是有限的激励措施,都难以从根本上逆转伊朗加速推进核开发的势头。伊朗对于核开发的执着追求,要求西方国家必须深刻反思伊朗挑战不扩散机制背后的深层根源,并作出相应的战略调整。 Even if kan is among the first batch of countries that signed the "Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty", but the demand for peaceful use of nuclear energy and as the big power in the region, added by the will to dominate the region, Iran strived perseveringly for nuclear development from the beginning. Especially after the Islamic revolution in 1979, Iran experienced the distinctive taste of war history, the powerless international law and US' double standard; all of those factors drive domestic forces in karl challenging the non-proliferation mechanism. No matter whether it's a coercive diplomacy or providing incentives to Iran, all were not effective to change the trend that kan is developing nuclear weapons in accelerating pace. Iran's insistence in developing nuclear weapon will force the Western countries to reflect the deeper cause of why Iran is challenging the Non-proliferation Treaty and how to redress strategy.
作者 高新涛
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 CSSCI 2010年第5期27-34,共8页 Arab World Studies
关键词 核不扩散机制 《不扩散核武器条约》 伊朗核问题 核武器 Nuclear Nonproliferation Mechanism NPT Iranian Nuclear Issue Nuclear Weapons
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