

The Huelva Expansion Project
摘要 韦尔瓦熔炼和精炼厂自1970年投产以来,运用奥托昆普闪速炉熔技术和周期反向电流电解技术已成功地进行了扩建。这使得其生产能力和产品质量都有了提高。1994年,大西洋铜业公司在其铜熔炼厂开始了新的扩建项目——增加闪速炉和PS转炉的处理能力,精矿熔炼能力达到100万t/a;应用最新技术改造环保设施。本文叙述韦尔瓦冶炼厂扩建项目(HEP)的技术状况及发展、投产情况,韦尔瓦冶炼厂以前和现在的生产情况。 Abstract The Huelva Smelter and Electrolytic Refinery,in operation since 1970,have been expanded in successive stages by the incorporation of new technologies such as smelting with an Outokumpu Flash Fumace and the use of PRC reversible current. These have increased both capacity and product quality levels.In 1994, Atlantic Copper began a new expansion project in its copper Smelting, increasing the intensity of the Flash Furnace and PS converters processes, to reach a smelting capacity of some one million tonnes per year of concentrates. The project also included the modemization of the installations with respect to the environment, taking advantage of best available technology. This paper describes the Huelva Expansion Project (HEP),its technical aspects and development, commissioning, and previous and current operational experience at the Huelva Plant.
作者 唐利平
机构地区 水口山矿务局
出处 《有色冶炼》 1999年第2期48-51,共4页 Non-Ferrous Smelting
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